Traditional Bookkeeping Services Vs Virtual Bookkeeping Services

Worried about the unorganized Accounting System? Or Your Financial Transactions not recorded accurately as per the timelines? Do not worry Nimble Property ensures all the accounting services to streamline your finances, prepares you for the annual tax submissions with great transparency for both internal and external usage.

Nimble Property has a team of well qualified and certified accounting professionals to monitor your accounts and reorganize missing records, after seeking inputs from your end. Consistency is key to the business, and Nimble Hotel Accounting System has all the features embedded to keep your accounting books in track. Let us explore more about the Bookkeeping service, in traditional methods and the modern-day Virtual Bookkeeping Service, where a bookkeeper works from the remote location, monitoring and managing your accounts.

Traditional Bookkeeping Service

In the traditional bookkeeping process, there is a lot of complexity. The accounting team has its own entourage, including bookkeepers, accountants and assistants. Mostly papers were used to organize accounts, the invoices were stored after recording the transaction in the respective files. It is the whole responsibility of a bookkeeper to record a transaction, reconcile the transaction and maintain the records in the respective ledgers. It requires immense documentation to manage the books. It was troublesome to the accounting managers during audits and tax preparation time, to prepare financial reports. Errors were quite common and accountants used to invest lot of time to rectify the errors.

In the later stage, computers were used to store the financial data, the much-advanced spreadsheets, presently Hotel Accounting Software with predictive analytics, that provides you real time financial data and keeps you ready for any business plan or crucial meetings. You have a cloud-model all the financial data is at your fingertips.

Virtual Bookkeeping Services

Virtual bookkeeping services reduces all the burden of mismanagement. A Hotelier in the United States can outsource his bookkeeping tasks to any accounting professional or a firm in any part of the world. All the day to day transactions are recorded impeccably without any errors, seeking all the necessary information from the clients. Transparency is assured at every stage with Bookkeeping Service. All the accounting tasks right from invoice processing to generating the crucial financial reports, Nimble Bookkeeping Services simplifies the entire accounting aspect. Our certified accounting professional monitors the accounts continuously without any interruption.

Making use of the digital tools like Nimble Hotel Accounting Software, the relationship manager reconciles the accounts regularly and looks after recording the financial transaction impeccably.

Maintaining Records in Online Environment

The best advantage of Cloud based hotel accounting system and seeking virtual bookkeeping service is safety and easy retrieval process of financial records. This mode of managing accounts in the online environment completely eliminates the manual storage infrastructure, further reduces the burden of wear and tear issue. The financial records including crucial reports can be viewed any moment of time, with login credentials, without relying on any staff. This gives a great flexibility to business decision makers to quickly respond to any kind of situation.

Accurate Reporting

Usually, business meetings take place on a weekly or monthly basis to gauge the performance of the property. All the requisite financial reports are necessary to move ahead with the meeting. A virtual bookkeeper maintains all your financial reports accurate, for instance balance sheets, weekly sales report, and will also present you with advance analytics report. With accurate financial reports, revenue managers and higher-level management can take quick business decisions to drive growth.

Hiring or Seeking Virtual Bookkeeping Services

Inhouse accountant or team is quite expensive, hiring Bookkeeping services is easy and reliable. Nimble Property offers a wide range of services, from software support services to exclusive bookkeeping services and Book Clean Up Services, Nimble ensures best standards in terms of accounts management. Our certified accounting professionals monitor the situation continuously to help you out from any issue. Nimble is industry specific caters exclusively to hospitality industry, hotels and restaurants.

How Automation Works?

The software works to simplify your accounting tasks. Despite relying on the human resources, make the system error free. Human can err, but machines work as per the instructions. Accounts Payable & Receivables automation, streamlines the entire cash flow in the system. Further, reconciliation process is the most advanced feature in the Nimble Property, all the recorded transactions in the Property Management System are reconciled with the bank statements. This process happens without any manual effort. The automation of this magnitude makes your system error free. Invoice management through Objective Character Reading technology captures the data from entries and takes it as entries. And the customized report generation option provides the revenue managers to generate reports anytime, irrespective of duration.


The evolution accounting practices from manual documentation to AI based hotel accounting system is inspiring, the predicaments of the traditional accounting system can be easily surmounted by the advanced AI model. In the present era, virtual bookkeeping services are available to hoteliers, where their accounts can be managed from any remote location.

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