Nimble Property Data Measures

Fortify Your Financial Data with Nimble Hotel Accounting Solutions

Hotel Industry deals with millions of transactions, handles crucial credit card details, approves payments upon validation and authentication. How complex the terminology could be, the data breach has become quite common, from multi-national companies to small-scale businesses, every individual is prone to cyber-attacks. With the dissemination of knowledge across widespread mediums, to some extent the people are safe. Organizations with the use of cloud technology and other encryption security standards are effectively able to tackle the attacks. Let us delve deep into the hotel accounting systems and robust security measures, that prohibits unauthorized access and multi-layered security, along with the threat detection and advanced tools.

From continuous monitoring to safeguarding the users from unauthorized access, Nimble Property ensures a wide range of security standards including data storage and scalability features. Maintaining the confidentiality and securing data, Nimble follows below mentioned steps to provide security.

Safeguarding from Unauthorized Access:

The encryption technology transforms your data into a unique code, and prevents any kind of breach or unauthorized access. The financial data, guest information, all the transactions including credit card details and other key data is safe with Nimble. No unauthorized user can access the logins, as it ensures all the security standards.

Role Based Access Control:

The organizations usually do not provide all the crucial data open to all the employees. Based on the designation and role, the access is provided to the employees. The categorization ensures secrecy among the staff and higher-level management.

Mult-factor Authentication:

The users, irrespective of device, it could be any platform, mobile, desktop, laptop or any internet friendly device, the software can be accessed only through multiple checks. The verification or validation comprises OTPs, biometrics or some other advanced methods, we ensure great security against unauthorized access.

Usage of Security Information and Event Management (Tools) :

Though this term sounds technically complicated, it is the modern day’s sophisticated practice to monitor the entire system. Usually, logs are integrated with SIEM tools that constantly monitors the security threats and early detection would help the management take swift decisions. And carry forward the message to the operations, and avoid any mismanagement.

Cloud-Model Automated Backup Solutions

Cloud model keeps you going all the time, without any geographical barriers, you can withstand any kind of issues, with continuous back up of the financial data, there wouldn’t be any risk of the data loss. The cloud model is flexible, available all the time with credentials, this helps overcome all the challenges posed by the traditional software purchase maintenance and inhouse data backup system.

Data Transfer Upon Contract Conclusion

We ensure global standards to maintain a data back policy. All the secrecy and privacy and security protocols, are carefully handed over during the conclusion of contracts. The data regulations and compliance standards mentioned in the policy will be strictly adhered during the end of the contract.

Automated Alerts for Data Breach Incidents

An attempt to any unauthorized access or data breach, ensures that a message pops up in your system, if there is any threat, our certified professionals will immediately respond minimize the impact of damage and restore the functionality to normalcy. Nimble Hotel Accounting System ensures all the security standards and robust mechanism to secure the crucial financial data of the users.

Vulnerability Testing

Proactive testing keeps the entire system safe, helps the team detect any kind of breach at early stage. SIEM tools and regular checks helps the security professionals ensures the alertness and preparedness for threat of any scale.

Physical Security Measures for Server Infrastructure

The cloud model eliminates the costs and infrastructure required to maintain the costly servers and purchasing additional software. But the service provider Nimble Property ensures all the systems managed or technically server infrastructure without any flaws. Apart from providing regular support to the software in terms of safety, we closely monitor the entire server infrastructure with surveillance cameras and more.


Data security is part of the service, that Nimble Property offers to the clients and its encryption practices are robust. Including the proactive monitoring Nimble offers confidentiality and ensures all the security standards to the crucial financial data for the clients.

This is an era where data breaches are quite common, however the continuous monitoring with SIEM tools and our integrity and commitment to provide value-based service makes Nimble Property the most trusted partner in the hospitality industry. We serve around 1100+ active clients in the United States, we have a team of certified professionals to handle both Accounting System and data security. 

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